Caroline Rainsford

self help book reviews,wellbeing and motivational change

Good Vibes Good Life

This book by Vex King is a must have if you want to change your mindset.In Part One on ‘The Law of Vibration’ the author says you must be in energetic harmony with what you desire.He says that self love and raising the level of your vibration go hand in hand.Part Two is Positive Lifestyle habits including meditation(after a year of meditating everyday the author found incredible changes,)high vibration food and studying our emotions to transform and raise your Vibration.Part Three is Making Yourself a Priority which includes reviewing our relationships.Part four is Accepting Yourself.He says “when you accept yourself as you are,you put emphasis on your own wellbeing and joy” and you should compare only with yourself.He says “real beauty must be deeper than what meets the eye….our bodies can always change but our internal beauty can last a lifetime…and this is where your value is”.He advises the inner voice we have can be very critical” but you must make sure the voice in your head is always kind to you”.Part five is Manifesting Goals including positive thinking and your mentality and” every single one of your thoughts is either helping you move forward in life or holding you back”.He writes “it is your your subconscious mind that is responsible for your beliefs”. The importance of repeating affirmations to reach your goals for two to five minutes a day is also discussed “affirmations are positive statements that describe what you wish to achieve…simply saying something over and over again,with great conviction,creates a belief deep in our subconscious”.He discusses the research of Dr Emoto on the impact of emotional energy on water.He says setting the right goal is everything,it has to reflect what you deeply desire and once you make your intention clear the universe will help.He says that if you write your goals,they are more likely to come true and to write them in the present tense.He also advises saying them aloud everyday.Visualisation is also important”when we visualise what we desire,not only do we align ourselves to vibrate on the same frequency as the object of our visualisation,but we can also influence our subconscious mind in the same way as we do with affirmations”.He advises a vision board as well as practicing visualisation.He quotes Rumi” the universe is not outside you.look inside yourself,everything that you want,you already are.”Part Five is Manifesting Goals-taking action .He says consistency leads to results eg with meditation,affirmations,visualisations etc,if you want to reap the benefits you have to do regular practice.He says we have to have faith”faith doesn’t make things easier,but it does make them possible.Part Seven is Pain and Purpose.He says to sustain happiness you must work toward self mastery,”it’s an inward journey that requires substantial spiritual growth”.

I would highly recommend this book if you want to improve your mindset,achieve your goals and manifest happiness in your life !